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About Project

It is an RPG-style game released in the 2000s by Darkness Ethereal for DOS as freeware that came with its source code written in QuickBASIC. Later in 2005, the title was ported to TurboGrafx-CD by homebrew developer Frozen Utopia.


Will a SNES/Genesis version be developed?

I'm not really a game programmer, but I've always been passionate about 8/16-bit consoles. Taking advantage of the knowledge I already have in programming, I started to explore the world of development as a hobby. Along the way, I found out about this version for TurboGrafx-CD through PIKO INTERACTIVE, who kindly sent me the source code, unfortunately, I was unable to take advantage of it due to architecture issues.

I used as a base an engine that I already have (FaelRpgEgine) and adapted it through the sprites and tiles that I had in the original source code that I cited to replicate it on both platforms;


Did You Create It All Yourself?

No! As I said above, it is a port, that is, all content was originally created by Darkness Ethereal. Frozen Utopia used this version as the basis for its TurboGrafx-CD version, and I used the Frozen version as the basis for creating mine on the SNES/Genesis. In development I had a huge job to export all the graphic content, I practically redid everything manually, animation of the spirtes, dialog box and assembly of the levels so that it could be used on the SNES. None of the previous mechanics were used and almost everything was created from scratch, and on purpose, as I wanted to have experience to use in future projects. I would also like to thank the excellent work of the composer and programmer Kung Furby in converting the original soundtrack to the SNES audio CHIP, after all his work managed to leave the same as the TurboGrafx-CD.


Is the Project Complete?

Since I received the project from PIKO INTERACTIVE I had been working hard, however several personal problems made me stop several times, not to mention that anyone who programs for these types of consoles knows how complex and tedious it is, given that, alone, without the help of third parties directly, without documentation and still in an infernal language, you have to really enjoy doing this, as it is not an easy task.


Is a Genesis version being developed?

That's right! Remember I mentioned that I was porting the game through another engine that I was already developing? So, in my tests, the engine worked on both consoles. So, for sure, there will also be a version for the Sega Genesis.


Mysterious Song: SNES Development Progress

BUILD:   20240803 Beta Final
ENGINE:   99%
SCRIPTS:   99%
LEVELS:   99%
BATLES:   99%
MENUS:   99%
SHOP:   99%
SOUNDS:   99%

Development Blog

25/08/2024 Hot!
      Many improvements to game mechanics;
22/08/2024 Hot!
      Optimization in the routines of SaveRam;
21/08/2024 Hot!
      Optimization in the sound effects execution routine in battles;
20/08/2024 Hot!
      Fixed screen position in cutscenes;
      Interaction and optimization in interactions with NPCs;
17/08/2024 Hot!
      More optimization in cutscenes routines;
      After exceeding the maximum bank limit, I reorganized the data to minimize the loss of spaces with empty bytes;
16/08/2024 Hot!
      Updated cutscenes routines for better fluidity;
      Fixed bugs that are stopping the game in battles final;
      Fixed text console in battles;
09/08/2024 Hot!
      Small adjustments to battle routines;
      Fixed loading of tiles in battles in leval Nemar caves;
07/08/2024 Hot!
      Removed debug mode in battles;
      Battle routines are now faster;
      A clock is now displayed as the heroes prepare to attack;
05/08/2024 Hot!
      Fixed reset vars;
03/08/2024 Hot!
      Save function finished;
      Fade in and fade out transitions on all screens optimized;
      Fixed small bugs;
15/04/2024 Hot!
      Working on the save function;
09/04/2024 Hot!
      Routine for Cutscene 06 with voices finished;
      Final credits finished;
05/04/2024 Hot!
      Routine for Cutscene 05 with voices finished;
01/04/2024 Hot!
      Algorithm to obtain a new item to the winner in battle implemented;
      Working in Cutscene 05;
29/03/2024 Hot!
      ROM space has reached its maximum limit, starting implementation of the graphic data compression algorithm;
      Compression algorithm implemented in all cutscenes graphic data;
      Voices for Cutscene 01 re-edited;
      Fixed cursor bug when re-entering the Shop;
27/03/2024 Hot!
      Routine for Cutscene 04 with voices finished;
26/03/2024 Hot!
      Clearing unused data;
      Working in Cutscene 04;
25/03/2024 Hot!
      Routine for Cutscene 03 with voices finished;
21/03/2024 Hot!
      Working in Cutscene 03;
20/03/2024 Hot!
      Many others optimizations and fixes;
19/03/2024 Hot!
      Poison algorithm implemented;
      Fixed MENU problem with SLOTs in ITEMs and MAGICs;
      Many others optimizations with reduction of individual variables;
17/03/2024 Hot!
      Fixed problem when the hero gained a new spell in which the message was displayed continuously;
      New level up algorithm;
      New algorithm for choosing enemy difficulty in battles;
      Level Toren redesigned;
15/03/2024 Hot!
      Fixed dialogue events with NPCs that would start the event again when leaving the key pressed;
      Now it does not allow you to escape from bosses in battles;
      Correction of the defeat warning in battles;
      New algorithm for calculating enemy magical events;
      Correction of the algorithm for damage calculations;
14/03/2024 Hot!
      New algorithm for choosing enemies with their fighting values ​​in battles. It was also unified in the same algorithm for choosing bosses;
      Many others optimizations and fixes;
13/03/2024 Hot!
      Graphics, collisions and events for Towers Fixeds;
12/03/2024 Hot!
      New collision map routine for ASM MEMORY limitation problem;
      Continue checking script when talking to the Carpenter Ark until the bridge is built;
      Completed checking script above;
      Destroyed bridge is now displayed in the overworld;
      Many others optimizations and fixes;
11/03/2024 Hot!
      Checking script when talking to the Carpenter Ark until the bridge is built;
      Many others optimizations and fixes;
10/03/2024 Hot!
      Fixed complet animation when meeting Spears mother in Nemar;
      Many others optimizations and fixes in Nemar;
      Routine for Cutscene 02 with voices finished;
08/03/2024 Hot!
      Implemented routine that changes the battlefield according to the position on the map;
      Fixed some backgrounds graphics and backgrounds collisions;
      Fixed routines to OBJs collisions;
      Fixed battles for don't showing enemies with no hit points;
      Fixed menu to not allow selecting heros that has not yet been activated;
      Fixed battles with Boss in the Cave to Illus;
      Fixed collisions of Illus;
      Many others optimizations and fixes;
04/02/2024 Hot!
      After a long study, I discovered that I will have to write all the routines in blocks to get around ASM BANK limitation problem. I never got this far in development, so I didn't know about this console limitation;
02/01/2024 Hot!
      Complex and unknown problem. I exceeded the maximum use of ASM BANK to main routine after adding new instructions :(
04/12/2023 Hot!
      Determining default values (SCRIPT POSITION, HP, MP, GOLD);
      Start script in Toren L1 only with Spear;
      Checking routine to force the player not to leave the castle until they talk to the king;
29/11/2023 Hot!
      Shop: Fixed and optimized routines;
      Shop: Fixed return to initial level routine (only cities);
      Menu: More optimized;
      Menu: Fixed return to initial level routine (all levels);
28/11/2023 Hot!
      Levels: Fixed graphics of Fawna Levels;
      Levels: Fixed routine of sprites and backgrounds colision;
25/11/2023 - Resuming Development Hot!
      Development Environment: Removed use of python library for native OS!
      Battles: Clearing screen before displaying victory summary;
      Battles: Solved problem loading Grimm sprite recompiling all sprites;
      Battles: Testing all sprites;
      Battles: Fix NULL enemys;
13/07/2023 Hot!
      New algorithm for the internal clock. Perfect!
      Fix values for update: LV, HP, MP, EXP;
12/07/2023 Hot!
      I'm revisiting the code in search of possible optimizations. I realized that it is possible to use only 1 byte (8 bits) of memory in certain cases instead of 2 bytes (16 bits) as is used in most cases;
04/07/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Fixed events of MAGICS;
      Fixed FXSOUNDS effetcs;
27/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Fixed size of sentences;
      Implemented magic animation that hits all heroes at once;
26/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      New improvements to the navigation menu;
22/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      First cutscene voices now with high quality audio;
21/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Used last version of the sound library used in PVSNESLIB. Thanks to Alekmaul for your fantastic job;
      Fixed FXSOUNDS effetcs;
20/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Fixed engine after the crash;
      Removed unnecessary allocated memory;
      Improved menu navigation, now each step can be resumed to its previous state;
17/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      OPSSSSSSSSSSS! Crash the engine hahahaha. No more working with it this weekend, in the next repair it;
14/06/2023 - BATTLE and MENU Hot!
      Adjustment to event fate, for exemple: if use REVIVE, only allows choosing dead hero;
      Adjustment to don't permit select to destination event (ITEMs and MAGICs) if dead;
      In BATTLE now shows the name on the hero or enemy targeted with during its run event (ATTACKs and MAGICs);
      Many optmizations;
13/06/2023 - BATTLE and MENU Hot!
      Fixed total item in BATTLE;
      Adjustment to don't show avatar of hero's dead;
      Shows the revived hero's avatar;
      Adding label and preparing routine to show hero information;
12/06/2023 - BATTLE and MENU Hot!
      Many, many and many optmizations;
      Fixed in BATTLE animation sprite in some bug moments;
      Fixed in BATTLE browse the MAGIC slot to Ryanna;
09/06/2023 - BATTLE and MENU Hot!
      Some optmizations;
      Fixed some events;
05/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Now you can run away from the battle;
      Fixed insufficient MP warning;
02/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      More optmizations;
      fixing a ATTACK, MAGIC and ITEM execution algorithm;
01/06/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      More optmizations;
      Corrected MAGIC execution algorithm, now heros and enemies use different roles;
      Added all enemy sprites present in original game;
      Added all effects sprites present in original game;
31/05/2023 - SHOP Hot!
      98% complete;
      Algorithm for events completed;
      Adjuste Algorithm to use and reorganize item in inventory;
30/05/2023 - SHOP Hot!
      85% complete;
      Algorithm for browsing the shop completed. Next step, create the events;
29/05/2023 - SHOP Hot!
      Studying and correcting every algorithm;
28/05/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      90% complete;
26/05/2023 - BATTLE AND MENU Hot!
      Some Optimizations;
25/05/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Adjusted vblank sync: now there is more fluidity during navigation;
      Now when selecting the SLOT returns its more detailed action (Selected Spear, Execute Attack, Use Posion to cure, and more );
      Adjusted browsing for items and magics that now shows their description and does not show empty items;
23/05/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Studying and correcting every algorithm I made 4 years ago after the battles because a lot of things weren't working correctly;
      Trying to make routines faster;
22/05/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Improving algorithm for all event actions (ATTACK, ITEM, MAGIC);
19/05/2023 - BATTLE Hot!
      Adjusting events values;
18/05/2023 - MENU Hot!
      98% complete;
      Don't show empty slots;
      Disallow browsing empty slots;
16/05/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Events for itens and magics create;
      Events to equip the heros created;
12/05/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Creating events for magics;
      Optimizing some codes in a single called cleanConsoleScreen and writeTextLineForMenu;
      Optimizing similar codes for "menuExecuteEven."
11/05/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Algorithm almost complete (80%), all menu navigation is fully functional. Now create the execution events according to the selected type and slot;
03/05/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Resume write the new algorithm;
01/05/2023 Hot!
      Resuming projects;
01/03/2023 - PERSONAL PROPOSITE Hot!
      Pause projects for personal preparation of a scholarship;
27/02/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Starting to write the new algorithm;
      Optimized subroutines navigation by replacing loops with fixed routines;
23/02/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Rewriting engine for navigations because I didn't like how I did it before;
      Studying previous code;
      Prepared events for magics (how is execute in battles);
17/02/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Pause works for Carnaval;
15/02/2023 - MENU Hot!
      Adjustment in the increTimer subroutine for synchronization of the system clock as in the real world;
      Optimization in the menuUpdateValueTime subroutine and adjustment for displaying the time with the H:MM:SS mask;
      Optimized initVarsAndGraphicsForMenu subroutine by replacing loops with fixed routines;
09/02/2023 Hot!
      DEMO and project trailer made available;
02/02/2023 Hot!
      Level Toren: adjustment in the dialog box in some texts and correction of the correct music attribute in the level;
01/02/2023 Hot!
      Level Toren: correcting non-functional positions, animations and collisions;
27/01/2023 Hot!
      Migrating previous code to my new development platform;
01/01/2023 Hot!
      Initiating legal procedures for marketing rights;
      Resuming project development;
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